My attention was drawn to a wonderful project to support Israeli soldiers which is run by an ex-Australian Menachem Kuchar (originally from Sydney) who now lives in Efrat. The associated website - - enables one to send pizza and other treats to soldiers in order for us outside of Israel to show our support for their work.
Whenever I have visited Israel - and especially when visiting places like Kever Rachel and Hevron - I have been humbled by these young men and women who are protecting our holy places and especially the families who are living in Hevron and other dangerous areas. The chayalim in general are making the country safe for residents and visitors and give a few years of their lives to do this vital work. This project is a great way to thank them and show that people do care about their service and sacrifice especially at this time of year. For Rosh Hashana you can send them packages of honey, chocolate and honey cake with wishes for a Shana Tova.
It is always heartening to see this type of project - especially at a time of year when we need to think about how we relate to our fellow man as well as G-d.
Zot Chanukah
1 year ago