Friday, May 30, 2008

Daven for Your Children...and Yourselves

The kever of the Sheloh HaKodosh in Tiveria - interestingly his yartzeit is 11 Nissan

Thanks to Emmanuel for sending out this prayer. Composed by the Sheloh HaKodosh it is customarily said on erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan which is next Tuesday 3 July.

The tefilla can be found here (for a pdf version) and here for a web friendly version. The English translation can also be found here.

The Sheloh's real name is Rabbi Isaiah Halevi Horowitz (1558 - 1628) who became known as the Sheloh HaKodosh after his well known sefer Shnei Luchos HaBris. A short history of him can be found on here.

The reason I am publicising it is that, in these pre-Moshiach days, I feel we need the help of heaven more than ever when it comes to raising children. While many attend seminars and lectures on effective parenting etc sometimes we must remember that we need the help of a "higher power". To daven for what we need is a time proven method.

The Artscroll's translation of the Sheloh's introduction:
It is particularly important to pray for good and upright children. While praying for this, one should also ask Hashem to provide them with all their needs and to send them their life's mate. I believe that the most appropriate time to recite this prayer is on Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, for that is the month when Hashem gave us His Torah and when we began to be called His Children. It is proper that every husband and wife fast on that day and repent, committing themselves to improve all areas of their home life...and let them give charity to poor people of character.
Let us hope that our tefillos are heard and fulfilled.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Kfar Chabad

COL posted this great video of the early days of Kfar Chabad. The Previous Rebbe established Kfar Chabad 59 years ago yesterday (21 Iyar 5709 - 1949).

The town certainly looks different today!


Saturday, May 24, 2008

More Trouble at Yeshivah

Part of the plan of the proposed centre

While we all thought that things were a little quiet at the moment a storm is brewing in the vicinity of A'Beckett Street. According to flyers which have been sent around the neighbourhood of the Yeshivah there is a protest movement which is gaining momentum against the proposed Chabad Youth centre which is to be built on the site on the old houses in A'Beckett Street. In fact the "antis" have established a website - - which has copies of relevant documents and an announcement of a protest meeting this Sunday at 3:00pm.

My first reaction was to wonder what all the fuss was about. Surely this is just an extension of the school and it's associated activities. But when speaking to people who live in the area and reading the website, the plans for the centre and some of the protest letters it appears that the "antis" have a good case.

The proposal is for a four level building - a basement and a 3 storeys which fronts on A'Beckett Street. The plan before council states, among other things, that it will be used for after school activities and for functions twice a week until midnight. They have also requested the waiving of on-site parking requirements.

The residents are quite upset about this and it appears that objections are coming from many people in the vicinity of Hotham, Empress and A'Beckett Streets. The last letter points out that the 102 square metre open terrace BBQ area will give a direct view into backyards of Empress Road residents as well as allowing music and noise to be heard at quite a distance from the building.

I understand that the A'Beckett Street residents are particularly concerned that the entrance will be on that street and not through the existing Yeshivah entrances. This will cause traffic problems and especially noise until very late in the evening in this small dead-end street. I am told that the residents are not concerned about the regular school noise and traffic as they obviously knew about that when they purchased their properties. What concerns them is that traffic and noise will be a problem until the early hours.

This issue looks like becoming a major one which is affecting both Jewish and non-Jewish residents in the area. Hopefully the Yeshivah Executive will make an honest attempt to answer the objections in a sensitive way.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008