Saturday, July 09, 2005

Mazal Tov Shluchim

This advert appeared in the Melbourne Jewish News this week (sorry that the scan is crooked!! Click on it to see it enlarged.)

It is great to see that the Kollel yungerleit are finally getting jobs in Australia. We have lost too many young people with great potential to overseas positions. These 3 young couples, and another who is yet to be announced, are going out into the community and doing the Rebbe's work. We should be supporting them in any way we can. This does not just mean help in monetary terms but we should see if there is any type of help we can give them to aid them in their shlichus.

As a follow on from the previous post I feel that if we as a community and individually put more emphasis on mivtzoim it would benefit us all - including our children. This does not mean that we wait for someone to tell us what to do. We all know that the Melbourne Chabad establishment is not interested in outreach of any type - we must decide where our talents can best be used and just go out and do the job.

For those that are concerned about "inreach" to our own families (which is all of us) - surely when our children see that we are not just concerned about ourselves and we are sincerely concerned with helping other yidden this will cause them to see yiddishkeit in a positive way. There is no guarantee that this will stem the negative tide but it seems obvious to me that it must have an influence. Maybe what I am advocating is simplistic but we must start somewhere.