Friday, August 26, 2005

Telegram from Reb Levik

(Click on picture for larger version)

This appeared on COL. It is a telegram from the Rebbe's father, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Schneerson, to the Rebbe in Tishrei 5688 (1927). The telegram wishes the Rebbe success on his trip to the Previous Rebbe in Riga. The telegram was received by the Rebbe in Leningrad.

Thanks to Tzemach Atlas of Mentalblog who provided the translation from Russian:

The telegram was addressed to Mendel Volfson on his address in Leningrad but written to the Rebbe. (Literal translation, Hebrew words are in caps):
G-d should give you a happy trip YSHMOR TZESCHO METAO VAD OLAM. Blessed are you in everything forever joy BEDDERECH COL YEMEY CHAEYCHO all the best, happiness you will have all your life blessing you from the depths of my soul with all my heart, your father loving you BACHAVO NITZHCHIS LEVIEK.