I was looking at the (new improved) Keren Malki website and noticed Malki's Song. This song was written by Malki Roth a few months before she was murdered by a terrorist at Sbarros in Jerusalem five years ago. Read about the song and hear it sung here. I find the words quite inspirational especially noting that Malki was 15 at the time she wrote it.
The Malki Foundation was established as a living memorial to Malki Roth by her parents Arnold and Frimmet Roth. From the website:
Keren Malki’s work is channeled into two active programs: one focused on providing specialized equipment in the home, and the other on home-based therapies. In both tracks, the goal is to empower families who want to give their seriously disabled child the best possible care at home.I have previously written about Keren Malki here and again suggest that you check out the Keren Malki site and consider supporting their wonderful work.