Australian supporters of the Arab cause mobbed John Howard's car yesterday after he left a Liberal Party conference in Perth. The Australian descibed it as a "violent scuffle" - read the story here. And see a newsclip of the incident below:
In response to the guy speaking about Israeli aggression at the end of the newsclip here is a map of the area showing how Israel overwhelms the Arab countries in size:Thanks to Bagel Blogger for the video
I just read in The Age (here) that a woman was shot dead in Seattle, Washington by a mentally deranged Muslim American. The Seattle Times reports in detail here that as well as the woman who was killed 5 others were seriously injured.
Hopefully this violence will not spread - althought the Australian Jewish News reports an upsurge in antisemitic violence and incidents throughout Australia. Keep saying tehillim!
Zot Chanukah
1 year ago