Mottel Gutnick (R)
Mendel Lipskar (in middle of photo)
Chaim Tzvi Groner (R)
Benyomin Serebryanski (L)
Yerachmiel Gorelik
Yossi Waks (R)
Some Sydney Rabbis
Levi Wolf & Moshe Gutnick
Yosef Chaim Kantor - Guest Speaker
Mendel Raskin (R)
Pinchos Woolstone (R)
Shlomo Gestetner (L)
These are photos from Shmais and COL of Australians in New York for the Kinnus HaShluchim. These photos were taken at the Banquet where, reportedly, 3,000 shluchim and 500 of their supporters were in attendance.
Unfortunately the occassion was marred by the behaviour of a group of "youth" at the farbrengen downstairs in 770 after the banquet. This farbrengen has been held for a number of years and it seems that certain Tzfatim, who are known for their hate of the shluchim in general, threw bottles and seforim at those participating in the farbrengen. A report of the incident appears in Shturem.
I believe that Aguch has shown enough tolerance for these sick, destructive bochrim and their supporters. The time has come for them to be ejected from 770 and deported back to Israel. Yidden, and especially Chassidim, are not supposed to be violent people and, it seems to me, that judging by their behaviour the Jewishness of these bochrim is certainly in doubt.
Zot Chanukah
1 year ago