Sunday, December 23, 2007

Levaya in Sydney

The Levaya of the late

Mr & Mrs Zev and Rochel Simons o’bm

will take place on
Monday 15th Tevet/24th December
commencing with
the Service at 2:00pm
at the Sydney Chevrah Kadisha
172 Oxford St (cnr Wallis St) Woollahra
to be followed by the Kvurah at
Rookwood Cemetery, Rookwood
Jewish Section 18A


From the Tzemech Tzedek Community email:

Buses are being arranged to transport people from the Chevra Kadisha to and from Rookwood on Monday. If you want to go by bus, please reply directly to me by a new email to . I will need to know how many seats you want. Pls reply asap.

If you have any recollections, stories, pictures, documents etc that you would like the family to have, there are two ways that have been set up:

1. Mrs Leah Joseph is putting together a "scrapbook" to give to the family. The aim is to have it completed by the Shloshim. Any items should be forwarded to her asap, but within the next 2 weeks to give her time to arrange it all. If you prefer to keep the originals, Leah will make copies for the scrapbook. Or better still, you could have the copies made and send them to her. Contact details for Mrs Joseph are

2. For people who want to say something, either as well as, or instead of written or pictorial form, I will be digitally recording recollections, stories etc. They will be compiled and burned to disks which will be given to the family. Please get in touch with me asap to arrange a suitable time for recording your stories. Send to